For me 2024 is about continuing the momentum the team has already from 2023 and helping to bring the best out of all the riders we have. We have a real mix of experience and youth in the team, both of which I think is great and we are for sure going to have a lot of options to go with in races which is always a bonus. The program is shaping up really nicely and there is a lot of opportunities I see personally for myself in the UCI Europe tour races in France / Belgium / The Netherlands. Who knows, maybe Asia too. I love racing out there and we will possible do a couple of races out there..

I’d love to have a crack at the national TT again at some point, I know the work and dedication needed to be competitive in this and once the course details are announced I’ll be going through it.
For the moment for me though, unfortunately it’s all just about recovery and getting healthy again after I unfortunately contracted Epstein-barr virus (Glanduler fever) sometime in December and found out about this over the new year. So for the moment the brakes are ok as such and I cannot train which is pretty hard seeing everyone else training away but I know I have to give my body the time it needs to recover and then re build slowly, so it’s unlikely I’ll be on a start like before April but you never know! For the time being I just have to take things week to week and hope I will be able to pick up training again in the the back end of January.